Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wordpress Themes VS Custom Design

Recently a friend of mine asked, "Which Wordpress theme should I use to redesign my friend's old website?" I hear this question from time to time and it's not a bad question. When you're trying to design a website, there are two paths you can take.

Downloading a ready made theme or Having one designed for you.

Looking for a WordPress theme is kind of like shopping for clothes for your website. You want to dress it up differently and have it reflect you or your company's style.

Downloading a theme is like shopping at Marshalls.  There is a lot of selection and most of the clothes were designed with the general public in mind.

- Cheap
- Fast
- Has all the bells and whistles
- "One size fits all"

- Has way too many bells and whistles which makes updating your website more confusing
- Can clutter your code and make your website load slower
- Can break your current website

Having a theme designed for you is like talking to a fashion designer. The designer will work with you to make sure you're getting exactly what you want by drawing it out first and working with you closely.

 - You work with a designer to custom fit the design for you
 - the designer has the ability to give you the things you really need on your website
 - the designer can help keep your website "lightweight" for a faster load time and could be "future proofed"
 - the designer can give you a quick tutorial on how to use and update your new website

 - May take longer to get your site up and running which requires patience
 - May cost a bit more than an "off the shelf" theme. (You can always find freelancers that are willing to trade services.)
 - You have to put trust into your chosen designer

In conclusion, "Which Wordpress theme should I use to redesign my friend's old website?"  The one that reflects that person's or company's style best, but is also:
  • "Lightweight"
  • Future proofed
  • and easy to maintain

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