Saturday, August 31, 2013

It's either me or the game.

Video games are part of everyones lives now.  They are are on your phone, tablets, PCs, TVs, and everywhere in between.

They are fun, exciting, and can help past the time while you're waiting for something.

I've been playing video games since the birth of the first Nintendo Entertainment system.  I am part of the early gaming generation that has watched video games grow into the ultimate expression of art. Video games can touch 3 of the 5 human senses and can really engage us in the story telling or interactivity for hours and hours.

But, because of how engaging video games are now, they can also take up too much of our lives. For me, I make sure that it doesn't take up more than 5 hours a week of my life because of how I was in the past.

I was addicted to World of Warcraft for 3 and a half years.

I remember when I first got beta access into the game.  I was so excited because I didn't know what to expect or know fully understand what a massively multiplay online role playing game (MMORPG) was.  But since it was made by Blizzard and was set in the Warcraft Universe, I was immediately sold.

This was bad since I have a very addictive personality.

After playing for a week, I was slowly getting addicted to virtual quests, gold, weapons, armor and mounts.  I would play for hours on end just to get my character to level 60.  Then, once that was achieved, I kept playing for even more quests, gold, weapons, armor, and mounts.

I remember staying up until 2am just to do quests with 39 other people online then having to wake up the same morning at 6am for work.  I slowly started to get fat, stop caring about things and people around me, and just focused on gaming rather than my career, skills or loved ones.

I needed to stop, but how? I can't pass up sweet, sweet virtual things. They mean more to me than real life!

Before my World of Warcraft days, I was fortunate enough to met my then girlfriend, now wife.  I remember when we would stay on the phone and I would "half-talk" to her.  While playing the game, I would just have a headset and chat with her about each other's days.  But she knew the whole time that I was only paying half attention to her.

After 3 and a half years, and 2 arguments getting close to us separating, she finally game me an ultimatum.

It's either me or the game.

I chose her and never looked back.

Video games are fun and safe. But just like any drug or form of entertainment, too much can be a very bad thing.  With those 3 and a half years I could have done so much with my life. But I chose to play a video game.  I cannot get that time back and I have to deal with that forever.

If you love video games, play them. But make sure to give more time to something productive, like AGL. With AGL, you might not when at gaming, but you'll win something at bigger. Life.

To my wife (who is sleeping at the moment), thank you. Thank you for giving me a third chance, your heart and your hand. You have given me a new life and I hope to win at it with you by my side. <3

Wednesday, August 28, 2013

Wordpress Themes VS Custom Design

Recently a friend of mine asked, "Which Wordpress theme should I use to redesign my friend's old website?" I hear this question from time to time and it's not a bad question. When you're trying to design a website, there are two paths you can take.

Downloading a ready made theme or Having one designed for you.

Looking for a WordPress theme is kind of like shopping for clothes for your website. You want to dress it up differently and have it reflect you or your company's style.

Downloading a theme is like shopping at Marshalls.  There is a lot of selection and most of the clothes were designed with the general public in mind.

- Cheap
- Fast
- Has all the bells and whistles
- "One size fits all"

- Has way too many bells and whistles which makes updating your website more confusing
- Can clutter your code and make your website load slower
- Can break your current website

Having a theme designed for you is like talking to a fashion designer. The designer will work with you to make sure you're getting exactly what you want by drawing it out first and working with you closely.

 - You work with a designer to custom fit the design for you
 - the designer has the ability to give you the things you really need on your website
 - the designer can help keep your website "lightweight" for a faster load time and could be "future proofed"
 - the designer can give you a quick tutorial on how to use and update your new website

 - May take longer to get your site up and running which requires patience
 - May cost a bit more than an "off the shelf" theme. (You can always find freelancers that are willing to trade services.)
 - You have to put trust into your chosen designer

In conclusion, "Which Wordpress theme should I use to redesign my friend's old website?"  The one that reflects that person's or company's style best, but is also:
  • "Lightweight"
  • Future proofed
  • and easy to maintain

Saturday, August 24, 2013

Art, Gym, Love (AGL)

It is the equivalent to "Mind, Body, Soul."

On my way to and from work, while stuck in rush hour traffic, I like to think about a lot of things.  I have to think about things or else I might get sleepy behind the wheel.

2 weeks ago, I wasn't feeling like myself. I felt less energized. Got lazy with my home projects. Couldn't think creatively. Was getting easily annoyed by small things.

I don't usually feel like this. Everyone knows me as the hyper, upbeat, happy-go-lucky guy that would do whatever he could to make someone smile.

Why was I feeling like this? I was feeling a little worse and worse as the days passed.  I didn't work out at the company gym for 2 weeks and I felt bad about that as well.  Every time I would think about working out again, I would just tell myself, "meh. Too busy. I'll do it tomorrow." or some other lame excuse.

Then, one day, I decided, I'm going to hit the gym today. No excuses.

As the work day came to a close, I thought, "nah, I should go ho-- NO! GO TO THE GYM!" I stayed there for about and hour and a half.

I felt great after words. I came home more energized. I felt alive again.

The day after, as I drove to work, I thought about what just occurred. That is when I came up with Art, Gym, Love (AGL). (Yes, it's a kind of play on GTL. So what.) In order to be a complete person, one should practice AGL everyday.

Art - Do something productive and creative. Whether it be drawing, singing, dancing, coding, web designing, costume designing, etc. Do it everyday to continually learn and improve in your craft. Don't do it for the fame or fortune. Do it for art.  

Gym - Hit the Gym everyday (or least often).  Keep your body in shape so you may live longer to learn more and continue to perfect your art.

Love - Love and respect those that are better at your craft and learn from them.  Love and respect those who are new or less skilled at your craft by teaching them what you have learned. Love and respect the ones who have helped you get to where you are.